Friday, October 06, 2006

Why Do I like each and every gal I Meet ?

Well, not exactly, but….Okay. True. What the fuck. Let me face the fact. In my UG days, I used to fall in crush with many gals. However the only characteristic they had in common was that they were all good looking.

However the only sane point about me rite now is I ignore the conventional ones. There are few gals here in my college who are fair, tall who are liked by everyone. Do I think about them? No. Do they stimulate me? NO. Bloody hell its not any more about body.
So what is it all about?. Its about being natural, passionate, idealist and rational (not in all occasions). Its about loving me more than I love myself. Its about loving me for what I am and giving my space when I need that. Chellam, nee enga irukka ? when will you come in my life ?

So When I thought about the tag name which I had in my UG, I realized the finer point is being missed. The subtlety is that I choose the gals with whom I would fall in crush. The pattern of “my kinda” gals is emerging. (Remember this Maddy’s minnale dialogue?. AMP I miss u man. You were one of those who gave me the other perspective of life. I loved the days at IIT (of course madras mathiri varuma :) ) and you were one of the reasons for it. I hate you for not sending me mails. I hate you for not being committed in the relationship. But that’s what I learn from u. what an irony!! . I want to be committed in a friendship and I tell myself that the best part in a relationship is the best times you had and you have to move on. Mother ****** I would kill you one day for making me weak. Hope you get a nice gal)

So finally I realize that I’m a man and not a boy anymore and there aren’t any more crushes in my life. I have gained confidence that I would be truly committed to my gal if I can find a gal of my choice(I wasn’t sure about it some three years back) . MR. Narayanan, please cheer up and smile please. Everyone rise up. The jury is about to deliver its verdict and The jury decides that: We are matured and we do not fall for each and every gal in our lives.


Anonymous said...

you will have to grow a little more and turn back and see to understand things better.

but a man too can get crushes. atleast till he's committed. the problem with us is that we think we are grown up..!!


Laughed for this - "Chellam, nee enga irukka? when will you come in my life?"

Anonymous said...

"So what is it all about?. Its about being natural, passionate, idealist and rational (not in all occasions)."

:D. You have hit the nail right on the head. What bull crap, though I can understand you completely.

The Lonely Backpacker said...


:D... Machan, Let us put ads in magazines asking for natural,passionate,idealist gal rather than fair,slim,beautiful gal :D...............
btw got ur intended meaning (if any:) )