Saturday, September 30, 2006

something in common,part -2

okay... with my third post today, I hope to stop :( blogging for time being...
I plan to continue with something in common part 2 now....
People who speak for 2 or 3 months and annonunce to the world that they are the best friends they ever met in their lives, guys who flirt with every good looking gal and do not move with anyone else, guys who think that fair skinned gals are the most beautiful ones and they can even fuck a fair white pig, people who think that only BIG B and King K are the best actors india has ever produced, gals who wear pink dresses with pink shoes and think that they are cute, fat people with tight dresses, people who drink because they think that it shows their attitude and its fashionable, gals who smoke(inspite of knowing the consequences regarding their future child), all sorts of organised religions, lavish jewels, gaudy dresses, dresses which do not fit the body, astrology, marketing,OB, people who can gas for hours, people who do not speak in single sentences, plagiarism without acknowledgement(if someone thinks that i copy , kindly point it out..i would like to ack it then), hotmail, people who are not fit, people who cant understand poverty and who crib abt laptops in a village trip, people who dont show respect to age(relatives and close friends not included), people who do not like mahatma gandhi, people who aren't passionate, people who make all their decisions with their heads and who do not use their hearts, people who keep count of each and every penny spent for others and promptly ask them, european football, 24 hour heavy metal musik which can lead to headaches, people who crib about reservations without any back ground knowledge about it, the north indian weather, trains in north india, application programmers, people who do not donate blood, people who cant decisions, people who cant read and write their mother tongue, people who do not appreciate secularism.............................
anything in common ????


Anonymous said...

there is something in common.. but not able to point it out.

also dont want to pick on each and every thing. still two from the list could be changed/removed

1. it creates head ache only if you listen to it for a long time. so why to blame metal music? In that case, you should blame some food stuff which makes stomach disorder if eaten too much. (is it foods fault or yours?)

2. You are under-estimating application programmers. all kinds of jobs are great. The people who work still in a low-level programming should say - what good are system programmers? Algorithm designers should say - what good are the people who implement them? mathematitians should say - what good is comp-sci, there is nothing abstract there!!

I definitely want your reply comment in which you either remove appli-programmers or give a solid reason.

you were able to put this entry or I am able to comment ... all has some application programmers behind it.

- Sands.

The Lonely Backpacker said...


Application programmers have a special talent(i cant grasp web programming and I cant design ) which i dont have...
Metal musik is good and original(better than ilayaraja)....

But I dont like them... there ends the matter. I m not perfect and I need not like the best things in the world. The post is not about the worst things in the world. The post is about the things I dont like... Is the explanation okay ?

Anonymous said...

okay... there ends the matter. It's not that I am happy with the reason you gave... I am in no mood to argue... but just one thing.

your reason is that you dont like them - I think it should be called the result. I am looking for the reason behind that. I dont expect you to dislike something without reason.

- sands
I have added the links in my blog roll..

The Lonely Backpacker said...

i dont know the reason frankly..... To be an application programmer u need to be artistic... May be im not of that kind and I inherently dislike people of that kind......
May be their work is very repetitive.....

Anonymous said...

man, here i see some serious issues.
"people who make all their decisions with their heads and who do not use their hearts"

and that's a problem for you??? i can see the first inkilings of frustration here.

The Lonely Backpacker said...


u cant make every decision with ur head...if u make, ur life will not be spicy.....

Anonymous said...


you picked exactly the one i deliberately avoided!!

i stop arguing here.


Anonymous said...

"gals who smoke(inspite of knowing the consequences regarding their future child)"

- as if gals produce children on their own!!!

guys who smoke screw up their sperms, sir! don't tell me that this will not affect children.

The Lonely Backpacker said...

dear intellgient anonymous

the sperm count will decrease. Accepted. Only the creation of child will be affected. Not the child ....

however if the uterus wall is weak and after the formation of child, the uterus couldnt sustain and breaks up ?????
well i gave a crude scientific explanation..........
I have read somewhere that effect of smoking on gals is more than boys...accept the biological differences... i accept that gals are far better than boys when it comes to emotional maturity and stuff.....for god's sake I m not an MCP... I want my future wife to be indepedent etc...

can I know who the anonymous is ?...

The Lonely Backpacker said...


btw...this is the same dialouge i used to tell my guy friends who smoked during my undergraduation days. And I never had gal friends those days ...even if they existed, they didnt smoke :)..gals are usually sensible.....
ultimately I accept that I shuld hate smoking guys and gals... May be I have close guy friends who smoke and I can't live without them....err..

Anonymous said...

ok agreed.. but ever heard about passive smoking, which is even more dangerous than active smoking? subsequently, each and every smoker is responsible for any woman's weak uterus.

so, if you are really worried about the yet-to-be-borns, you should complain abt all smokers.

also, each cigarette reduces life by 3 mins. therefore, if you really love your smoker friends and can't live without them, you should ask them to stop this non-sense.