Friday, April 21, 2006

State of my Mind

I plan to read. Wake up early. But when I start with financial accounting, I get struck. Something blocks my mind. I live in an utopia whenever i walk from office to home or the other way around. Me thinking how my life would have changed when any incident in my life would not have occurred or occurred. Have to Ctrl Z whatever im doing right now....
Reading, getting out of IBM, understanding what a stupid software called MS excel does,learning accounting basics, a trip with cousin brother to Munnar b4 his placement so that he ll be relaxed, a trip to thirupathi(Mom is insisting) though me a non-believer, are in the pipeline.
Of late hearing Endhu paranjalum and Ponavaani paadam thedi songs. Soothes me. I just hope that i ll read something this weekend..signing off..........
some one said first company is first love (my take: because both of them are prone to fail :) ). 4 more weeks in IBM :(

1 comment:

Dhil said...

The last sentence was good. "First comp..."